The Manosphere’s Racial Obsession

There are a lot of bitter people in the manosphere.  For them, the absolute worst people on the planet, and for the United States are black people living there.  Now, I am not going to excuse many of the behaviours of black people living there.  The drug dealing, the lack of interest in getting educated, the violence, the racial attacks against white people, and the generally higher crime rates and lack of two parent households are inexcusable and the Left loves to ignore these issues or attribute them to racism.  As if somehow white people convinced black men to indiscriminately have children that ultimately get raised in a directionless environment.  Clearly black people have issues.  However, it isn’t worth being angry about these issues.  The government and media will try to create furors about racism but often, they are harmless and the courts end up correcting decisions that were causing harm because of their poor logic.  The real threat is actually more secretive, it is the Chinese.

The Chinese try to counterfeit Western culture.  They admire the universities and the businesses and will do everything they can to appropriate these things for themselves, but they are loyal to their own.  Chinese immigrants to the US do not join the military, they are exclusively interested in the universities and businesses.

The interest in the businesses has led to things in China like counterfeits of American products.  It has also led to a completely unenforceable patent crisis whereby Chinese firms will steal American intellectual property but no claims court can do a thing about it.  American businesses are under fierce cyber assault so that Chinese can steal the intellectual property.  Even American defense products like the F35 have been alleged to have been stolen.

This sort of theft is extremely damaging.  American firms spend money on research and have the fruits of this stolen from them.  Hacking is a huge industry in China.  Their massive population and relative technical prowess have made it so, but the hacking is largely state sponsored as Chinese officials look past it when it is committed against American firms.

The other thing the Chinese try to appropriate are the universities.  They do silly things like model their own universities after Anglo-American ones.  They also send their children to elite schools in America and Europe in huge percentage and drive the costs up by sending so many and offering to pay more.  They also spend their entire lives trying to game admissions tests by studying from very young ages to do very well on them.  Even the Chinese Premiere sends his daughter to Harvard, why not send her to a Chinese university?

Lawsuits are beginning to circle around Ivy League institutions alleging that Asians have been kept out because of race.  A race-neutral approach was adapted in California as a result of voter wishes which was highly favoured by Chinese immigrants.  It is because they produce such high test scores relative to the other races because of their obsession with studying the tests from a young age.  Other races typically do not do this.  UC Berkeley and Caltech are now about 40% asian, soon to be 50%+.  The same will happen to Ivy League schools and really these schools will no longer be American at this point.  The people that made them, and the people in the largest percentage of the population of America, will be a minority at their own schools.  They will have fewer economic opportunities or scientific ones or even intellectual/academic ones as a result.

Prestige from western institutions is a primary motivator for these Chinese.  I think the threats of cyber attacks, outright theft of IP, and essential takeovers of the best universities are a pretty serious threat to the West, more so than black people in ghettos cause.

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